Programming of online application for airlines


LATAM airlines


It’s an online application for airlines and travel agencies, which allows you to display of flight sales statistics in various forms and segments.

Travel agencies have a multi-level system of accumulated points through which they can make purchases, request flight discounts and agencies advertisements.

A comprehensive solution to manage airline users and agencies; distribution of multiple levels of access roles to the functionalities of the application.

Many background processes have been implemented, as well as the synchronization and import of sales data, control and renewal of points, etc.



  • OS: Debian GNU/Linux
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Nginx as a reverse proxy (gateway)
  • Application Server: Apache Tomcat
  • Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment

Programming languages:

Java, Groovy, PhP (for visitor analytics app)

Frameworks (Back-End):

Grails, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Quartz, Ehcache, Apache POI

Frameworks (Front-End):

  • Bootstrap, bootstrap datetimepicker
  • jQuery, jQuery Datatables
  • Librerías: moment.js, amcharts, ckeditor

Online application

Online application for airlines